

Why You Need Fasting and Prayer

As the new year comes, many of us try to be intentional about setting goals and reevaluating things in our lives. We pick a word of the year to guide us and we often declare that the new year will be one of actualization for us, where we will become our best selves and reach all our goals. But sometimes we leave God out of the process. We make our plans and then ask God to bless it rather than...


Stop Shrinking Back

Have you ever felt that you were made for much more but for some reason, you have had difficulty reaching that level? Why is that? Maybe this is evident in your walk with the Lord, or in your relationships, or in your career efforts. As I thought about this in regards to my own life, I heard the phrase “stop shrinking back.” As a young child growing up in Liberia, I vividly remember a plant (I do not know the...

losing hope

5 Verses To Hold on to When You Are Losing Hope

“Not yet.” Hearing these two words for what may have been the 3rd or more time must have been frustrating for her.  She took a deep sigh as she looked out of the window of the moving car, but she decided to try again. “Daddy, can I have your phone?” My youngest daughter is extremely persistent and she does not give up when it comes to asking for what she wants.  But the “Not yet” seemed to dampen her excitement....

christian struggles

God, Why Is This So Difficult?

Are you tasked with doing anything right now that seems extremely difficult? Maybe you are starting a new role at work, in ministry, or in a friendship that seems tough, or you are struggling in your marriage. For one it may parenting and the struggles that go along with it and for another, it may be juggling all the people and things that tug on you dailiy. Maybe you are growing weary and feeling like you need to quit, or...

God's presence

Presence over Presents

I remember opening the cards I received for my college graduation. As I opened each card, I  hurriedly checked for checks or cash and flung the cards in the “to be read later” pile. My excitement about the gifts had overtaken me so much that where I didn’t care about the people who gave me the gifts and what they wanted to speak into my life.   There’s something magical about receiving presents. Knowing that someone took the time to...

Faith and Fear

Faith and Fear

In Matthew 9:28-29, two blind men came to Jesus crying “Son of David,  have mercy on us.” Jesus immediately responded “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” To this question, the men answered “Yes Lord”.  And Jesus’ response is exactly what I believe made the difference with my prayers that  yielded different results. “According to your faith, let it be to you.” As He went about healing people, Jesus often referenced the faith of those who desired healing. He made...

Identify in God

No More Identity Crisis

A few months ago, I was at the international farmer’s market making a purchase (palm oil, if you must know) for my Liberian dish. As I stood in the checkout line, a lady noticed the bottle of oil in my hands. She proceeded to tell me in a Nigerian accent that this was the wrong place to purchase this product and I was better off going to the African food store a few blocks away. As she was giving me...