

The Waiting Room

Today, I must confess…I hate waiting. Waiting rooms are filled with the aroma of nervous people, impatient people, tired people, and frustrated people. Lately, I’ve had to wait more than I’ve cared to. Sharing a car with my husband for a few weeks meant waiting – waiting after work, waiting at the girls’ ballet school, waiting at home for his return so I could go and take care of my errands, waiting in the car, etc. Likewise, many of us...

Adjust Your Focus

During a storm earlier this summer, a tree fell in our backyard. Thankfully, it missed the surrounding houses and our own. But nonetheless, there was a tree in our yard that needed to be cleaned up. My husband, being the DIY guy he is, declared that he would cut the tree up and dispose of it. He saw the task as something feasible – something that could be done with a bit of effort and the right tools. I looked...